Ahhh, the break’s almost over-- sweet, sweet rest leaves us once again as we count the days to summer vacation. At the beginning of the semester, we had Rec Week, a week-long celebration of Ateneo org life as ADMU students get to pick and choose their soon-to-be secondary barkadas. Well, fast-forward into the present and now we’re in Req. Week(s)-- req. short for requirements and that (s) is there because let’s face it, it takes all-nighters to finish them all. The Ateneo acceptance letter didn’t exactly come with a warning sign but then again, if most things in life did, then we wouldn’t be making as many unwarranted mistakes now, would we? Imagine how boring life would be then? In terms of music, what would artists write about? That thought alone could wipe out the existence of our beloved teen angst and emo bands. It would’ve saved me a lot of paper and ink used to write all those sad, sad thoughts as an emo teen but then again, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I still have those notebooks… for creative reference.

Pretty soon, or depending on when you read this, it might be today that you’d have to start making the transition from reading your fics both from your traditional authors and fanfics (hey, there’s no judgment here) to your readings written by Dr. so-and-so about the Psychological Effects of so-and-so. Seriously, at this point, there should already be a study on the role interest has on information osmosis. Then, maybe readings won’t be as sleep-inducing. Imagine a reading a study filled meme references, fortunately for us, that might not be too far from now.
Droning on and on and on; university readings tend to have a certain effect on people, on me at least. It makes me sleepy in the middle of the day; after having just taken a nap; and in the mornings after a full 8-hour night’s rest when I get a nagging from my Ego to do something, anything academic just to compensate for letting the Id win the night before. No amount of coffee and god forbid I ever try energy drinks, seem to be able to combat the morphic effect of readings… especially *censored subject name* readings.
It’s awkward to think about how for having been such a neurotic high school student, the very trait that earned me my current status as an Atenean, I can’t now seem to tolerate stu”dying” for an extended period of time. Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? Well, I still practice it, though, nowadays, what that entails is 20% meticulous over-analysation of a particular page/paragraph/line and 80% lying unconscious on the desk, waking up with a paragraph of the reading’s 2nd page carbon copied onto my cheek-- along with the 60 other pages I’ve yet to read. In retrospect, it’s almost as if my former self actually did “die” in the high school grind. I lost my mind I don't mind Where's my mind Where's my mind
- bellyache by Billie Eilish
But alas, the awkward, pubescent past is now what it is; a thing of the past. College is here. And there is freedom to be utilised; a loosening of restrictions previously taut. College is now. And visualisation precedes experience.
Fanciful musings: simply a euphemism for escapism, really; but doesn’t it have a nice ring to it? Knowing that pretty soon I’d have to go back to my ‘university life’ makes it even more tempting. Especially now that I’ve spent the past month at my true home away from home (because this is where my cat is so I consider this city as my true home), I’m starting to feel the anxieties of once again having to readjust to the surroundings, the people, to the new surroundings that lack the people (and cat) I value the most. Well, if you’re anything like me, then, this playlist might help you get into the mood, a not-so-anxious mood.
This playlist offers sanguine beats to hopefully offset the dreariness off of those new set of depressing short stories your EnLit prof will once again require you to read (or is it just me?). It features songs from Bleachers, Will Joseph Cook, The Neighbourhood, and many more. The playlist is quite extensive with a total of 28 songs which should cover you for at least 1h 42 minutes of your trip back from home to Katip. And no, this is unlike those YouTube “Lo-fi Study Playlists” (I think?).
With that said I’d like to pay special artist mention to No Rome-- the fresh, new (actually, not-so-new but I still can’t get over his music. Stan New Rome!) Filipino artist signed under Dirty Hit (the same label as The 1975). Last October, he released the music video to his single “Narcissist (feat. The 1975)”-- and let me tell you honestly, it has been my LSS since it was released (still true). “Narcissist” is ¼ songs in his first EP under Dirty Hit titled “RIP Indo Hisashi”. And if I were to describe the album, let’s just say, it’s pop-alternative with a cinch of dreamy but not really. It’s colourful LED lights but turn the switch the other way and it's actually a blacklight. Don’t think I’m making much sense? Listen to the tracks then search up the lyrics. All 4 songs from the EP can be found in the playlist so, happy hunting!

As a final word: grit and patience, my fellow students. Remember, after Req. Week(s) also known as, the whole sem, we can finally jump on a car/plane/bus/train/jeep/tricycle (we’re all about transportation equality, here) back home. But for now, hello Katip! Please be nice to me! (I beg of you.)
(Link to the playlist:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1l6nWwenZTVlY7YnRFgv0i )
Illustrations by: Tina Valera